
In, Around, Out, Off

I missed my bus this morning, and seeing as how i had an awful day yesterday, I was rather scattered this morning. In my mind, I thought I would be fully capable of entertaining myself throughout the day with my little green piece of knitting. WRONG! No, I finished the darn thing during my first period class, and have since been rather figity all day. The bus ride home is going to be miserable, I'm sure.
But the good news is (no, I didn't get insurance) I have my Ipod to keep me sort of in my own world, and my notebook to keep my hands busy. I really wish I had my knitting though, because it doesn't require thought-- which, as we have established, I have no room for.

On Craftster.org, a member posted a beautiful ribbon dress that she had knitted, and it intrigues me. I could easily knit it flat, or if I'm up for a challenge, can knit it on the round. (I have never attempeted this) I don't know where I could possibly buy 300 meters of ribbon on the cheap, but I'm sure that if it's fate, a thrift shop I happen into will have it. The purple purse I finished last week still needs to be lined, given a handle, and clasped somehow. But because I am in the mood, I might just line it with some lime green cotton! Now that would be fantastic!

How does one go about knowing if a tattoo is the right thing to do in that point of their life? I am becoming more serious about getting a blue ribbon tattooed on my upper butt cheek. I think the word "survivor" is appropriate, but cheesy. Then on the sides, I'd like to have some simple flowers, maybe blue bonnets... but all-in-all, I would rather not have it any bigger than 3"x1.5" I don't want it to be that big, even. I think small and sweet is best for me. Tattooing is addictive, though, and I fear that could become a reality for me...

Just a few things to ponder about as I work my ass off this weekend...


Dorthy's Punk-Rock Big Sis

I am really inspired to create. My momentary inspiration is sparkly shoes- like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz, except in Lime Green or Flaming Flamingo Pink. Yeah, Purple-haired girl + glitter + cheap-o shoes + ModPodge = big mess . However, the end result is very likely to be of total fabulosity! Besides, this is why we have the buisness section of the newspaper-- to clean up glitter messes! Yayhooray!

And, for those of you who are not quite as inspired, might I suggest keeping a "Big Idea Journal"? Yes, my dears, I have one... I won't share what in it, but I will say it helps me make room in my mind for more important things-like where I left my security sweater. (As we all know, hair dye has a tendency to take up a lot of room in there, so you can't waste what's left over.) But I usually get my best inspiration looking at craftster.org, or knitty. So, since I am on the computer anywayz, I might as well type up my ideas while I still got 'em. Forgeting a really fab-o idea has got to be the worst disaster ever. Like dreams... two seconds after you wake up, you're like "what the hell?", but a few hours later, you're saying "what the hell did I dream about?"

Am I the only one that thinks about this stuff? Perhaps if everyone dyed their hair upside-down like I did, they could understand better what I am talking about... It's just a thought. Speaking of which, I have been thinking largely of what my next knitting project shall be... perhaps the Stitch N' Bitch Nation Bee-hive hat, or a scarf, or a backpack. Who knows? But I can say this, I need some sex! NO, not that, a Stash Expansion Expedition! My yarn supply is looking rather grim. But the good news is I have some brown yarn (which was too tangled to leave well enough alone) that is in 3 or 4 small balls, so I can try intarsia! Cool, huh? Yeah, I thought so too!

Anyway my darlings, I wish you a new year of great craftyness!


An Elegant Hippie

So I have been desribed by one of my guardian angels as being an "elegant hippie". Which she then described how I am "elegant because I can do all of the fun, girly stuff... but am as earthy as the ground we walk on." I think it's very true. My style is either very professional and put-together, or bohemian and earthy. But not just that--I think that way too. On the one hand I can be rational, logical, and determined. On the other, I am free-spirited, open-minded, and free flowing. I love that I can be both, because it gives me an edge.

Speaking of which, I began classes at MCC today. How thrilling it was to be treated like a human! But not just that, the professers strongly believe in the minds of their students... we are expected to think on own. And how refreshing it was to have a one hour luch period! I worked on a purple purse ( to match my hair ) for 50 minutes, and it was sooo peaceful to sit on the Student Union couches, and watch the ducks in the lake, and the geese flying around. It is a very wonderful little place to spend my luch period. I am very much looking forward to warmer weather, as I will surely knit outside and see if I can spot an alligator!
All of my teachers are completely different from one another, but I like all of them. I think I will enjoy all of my classes, because I feel like it's worth staying awake for. I am sure I shall enjoy my philosophy class very much, as well as my speech class. And to have three classes in the same building is wonderful! The classrooms in that building surround the library; I am sure to spend a lot of time there!
But I must say, I feel like a child in all my classes! There are people in their mid-20s and even thirties who are students! How funny, though, that I felt like I was of equal (and surprisingly) sometimes higher intellect of them! I feel so free, yet I don't feel like I have just been thrown out there...I don't know how anyone could sit through four years of regular high school.

How appropriate it seems, that an elegant hippie go to college. I am focused and I am free!


Go, Mimi, Go!

Ha! I finally became uncool enough to have my little slice of blogdom. Well, here it is kiddies! Mimi's Purple Hair Blog. This blog is a lot like my deep grape colored hair, in that, I did it on a whim, made a mess, got confused, gave myself a headache, and -voila!- instant bizarre gratifaction! I will try to post as many pics as I can, but I can't guarantee beautiful, artsy-fartsy black & white photographs that you'd see on MySpace. You see, I'd much rather show the optimistic side. But like I said, no guarantees.

Anyway, glad to know that you have come to read my little blurbs, laugh at my lame camera skills and random projects, but most of all, to get to know me.