
Knit A Kitty

I have a website! Hoo-rah! Hooray!

Please visit my art at www.knitakitty.com !

Love and spongecake,


Dream A Little Dream

So I am a brunette again. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It's very dark, but I think it'll lighten up once I shampoo it a few times. Perhaps I'm too tired. I have not gotten hardly any quality sleep as of late. I simply feel drained.

Last night I had a dream that kind of upset me. Being the vivid dreamer that I am, there are several imaginary locations that my unconcious has created. I visit these places in my dreams, and I remember them very well. One location, an aquarium, is a spectacular and stirring place. In my dream last night, I was walking around the aquarium, going from room to room.
There is a hallway, connecting the children's touch-and-learn room and the large deep sea creature room. I was walking toward the children's room, and a tiny baby sea turtle started flying around the room. It landed on my leg, and held on with it's little flippers. Thinking it was a bat from another side of the aquarium, I pulled it off my leg and let it free. Then, the sea turtle began bouncing off hte walls, and hit really hard into the wall behind me. It cracked it's shell, and I scooped it up.
Running into the children's room, I started to yell for the aquarium guides to help me. Two staff members dressed in hospital scrubs came up with a tray that was an x-ray machine. The girl staff member said that the turtle needed a new gallbladder, and the male staff member exclaimed that the sea turtle needed contact lenses. I was crying buckets of tears all the while. The children offered to give the sea turtle their gallbladders, but theirs would not fit.
When I awoke from the dream, Stefan was kissing my cheek and telling me it was time to get up. I immediately thought about going to Mote Marine to volunteer. I dunno what the significance of that dream was, but it made me feel like there is so much I wish I could do to help the planet.


Purple Hair and Sundresses

So I am back to purple hair. It's nice, though quickly fading. The Child Protection Center wants me to have blue hair for April. (Child Abuse Prevention Month, for you whom aren't up on all your ribbons.) So I am going through a lot of changes.

My goal for the summer is to have a whole bunch of really pretty sundresses. I have so many cool-weather clothes, that I practically have to walk around nude to spare myself from overheating in the summer sun. Therefore, I want a big wardrobe of cottony, flowy, brightly colored sundresses. And a new bathing suit, but I think they have some on clearance at Target.

Anyway, That's all I really have to say for now.
Love and tan lines,


Stuck in the middle with you.

Rhymefest, a rap artist whom I personally feel should get way more media exposure, says in his song Bullet, "What you've done is put yourself between a bullet and a target, and it won't be long before you're pulling yourself away." That sort of explains how I feel. I feel stuck.

I am stuck in a job which I have grown out of. I am ready for different things. Target has been an excellent employer, and I appreciate their understanding of my quirkiness. However, I am just ready for a position that allows me to be more...distanced from the customer. I love being a tech, but the customers are so rude, irritable, and trying, that it basically cancels out all the pleasures of the work. I'm am stuck because of several reasons. Stefan and I are planning to go to Belgium in June, so I can't leave Target until after our trip, because I won't be able to receive enough vacation time by then. Whats more, if the plans for Belgium fall through, then I will have spent all that time at Target, miserable, because I was waiting around for more solid plans to develop.

Then, I feel stuck in a living situation I've grown out of. I love my parents, but I am so ready to leave the nest. I wish to live on my own before Stefan and I move in together, but I don't have the money to do so. Which goes back to my first sticky situation.

Next, I feel stuck in a school I have definately gotten to big for. MCC is great for people who want to learn something like nursing or dental hygiene, but if you're like me, MCC is like a high school with ash trays. I don't feel challenged. I don't feel productive. I don't even feel like I am learning anything. But, I cannot afford to go to New College just yet (and I have yet to figure out what I want to go there for), nor do I have enough credits for transfer without starting over as a freshman. I am just stuck at MCC. But I think I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if I had other parts of my life unstuck.

And the last reason is one that I don't know that I can say or type yet, because it doesn't make me miserable. It just is. I'm not unhappy with the situation, but I guess I feel like things are just stagnant. I need a bit of spice. Some fun. I wanna get silly and be a 19 year old. Like I'm supposed to be. If that can't happen, nothing will change. I'll just feel the same as I do now.
I love you no matter what.

Anyway, if anyone else feels this way, please feel free to comment. (I know no one actually reads this blog, but I likle to say it just in case.)