
Dream A Little Dream

So I am a brunette again. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It's very dark, but I think it'll lighten up once I shampoo it a few times. Perhaps I'm too tired. I have not gotten hardly any quality sleep as of late. I simply feel drained.

Last night I had a dream that kind of upset me. Being the vivid dreamer that I am, there are several imaginary locations that my unconcious has created. I visit these places in my dreams, and I remember them very well. One location, an aquarium, is a spectacular and stirring place. In my dream last night, I was walking around the aquarium, going from room to room.
There is a hallway, connecting the children's touch-and-learn room and the large deep sea creature room. I was walking toward the children's room, and a tiny baby sea turtle started flying around the room. It landed on my leg, and held on with it's little flippers. Thinking it was a bat from another side of the aquarium, I pulled it off my leg and let it free. Then, the sea turtle began bouncing off hte walls, and hit really hard into the wall behind me. It cracked it's shell, and I scooped it up.
Running into the children's room, I started to yell for the aquarium guides to help me. Two staff members dressed in hospital scrubs came up with a tray that was an x-ray machine. The girl staff member said that the turtle needed a new gallbladder, and the male staff member exclaimed that the sea turtle needed contact lenses. I was crying buckets of tears all the while. The children offered to give the sea turtle their gallbladders, but theirs would not fit.
When I awoke from the dream, Stefan was kissing my cheek and telling me it was time to get up. I immediately thought about going to Mote Marine to volunteer. I dunno what the significance of that dream was, but it made me feel like there is so much I wish I could do to help the planet.

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