
So I have some things to get off my chest.

First, I don't know how many of you watched the VMAs this year, but they sucked. Royally. First off, Britney Spears was so stoned and drunk, that she gave up on lip-synching half-way through. You only got to see snippits of some preformances, and there was nothing astonishing about the stage or preformances that really made the viewer think, "Holy Shit that was awesome!" The only good thing was Chris Brown's preformance, but he is young and wasn't trying to fake it that he wasn't really singing (unlike the trainwreck at the beginning.) And what was with the censorship? Everyother word was bleeped out, so why bother having so many rap artists preform if you can't hear any of the song?

Then, I must point out (on a nicer note) that I was in the Herald Tribune yesterday. My picture is on their website. Check me out! Go to: www.heraldtribune.com/sarasota and on the right hand side of the screen, there is a search box. Enter "Teens Step Out For Gala", and it should come up. I am in the blue dress with the black trim. I hae the actual article from the paper in my room, and it's pretty cool to see yourself in the local news. I hope that the SCENE magazine article next month will be a bit more...in depth.

Love and PR,

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