
Rethinking Feminism

Ok, ok. I get it. You probably are thinking to yourself, I really don't think you have anything to say about feminism that hasn't been said before. Well, perhaps. But let me share with you my own feminist thoughts.

There have been many people who say that the Feminist Movement caused many problems, such as the conception that women must not only hold down a job that makes as much as her male counterpart, but ALSO raise a well-adjusted clan. This my friends was not an intended point of the Feminist Movement, but rather, an unforeseen side-effect that had more to do with society's influence. True, women are expected (culturally) to do all things and be all things to all people, but I think that it is wrong to sum up the Feminist Theory as all bad.

Feminist are not all about abortion. In fact, feminists really don't want to focus on abortion. I for one, (and I think a lot of other neo-feminists would agree) that we would rather see a wholly accepted reproductive rights format, that gives the message to girls and boys that their bodies are theirs to decide upon, and that services, such as Planned Parenthood, are available to them. I don't think feminists want to have more abortions, but rather more protective measures be readily accessible to those who need it most. Abortions should not be a form of birth control, but rather an in-case-of-emergency type of procedure. Not only do we need more open communication with teens about sex, but also about self-empowerment. Because I was able to talk to my mom and dad about sex openly, I was able to realize my own sexuality and what I needed to be safe and healthy.

Open-mindedness is very important in the feminist theory. It is so very important that women see themselves as who they are, not for the labels that they and others impose on them. It is about being honest with yourself and being unafraid of it. Stefan and i have many different strengths and weaknesses. If he and I both decided to become body builders, Stefan would have a much easier time gaining muscle than I would. It is basic biology. But the point is, that he and I should both be able to become body builders if that's what we decide to do, and no one should have to be told that they cannot do something because of their gender. I love Stefan very much, and i know that he loves me very much, and our relationship is a very good example of how a good, healthy relationship should be. We respect each other equally and are open to one another's viewpoints. I don't think feminism is about women being a dictator in the relationship, but rather, an equal partner. I know this may sound anti-feminist to you, but I believe that if my husband wants to move to the other side of the planet, that it is my responsibility to support him. You see, if I felt that we had to make a drastic move because of my own interests, that he would need to be as supportive. However, in both instances, I would expect that large decisions such as those above, would need to be weighed and deeply thought about before focusing on taking action.

Feminism is not just some silly theory or a big group of man-bashers. It's a mindset that women are a vital part of the worldly balance, and that equality is something that is a family and community value. I don't go out and burn my bras, (quite frankly, I love mine) and I don't go around and tell men that I think I am better than them. The point is that we are all different and that's okay. Live and let live.

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