
The Best Things in Life are Free

There are some things that are pretty gosh darn hard not to enjoy once you take the time to notice them. For instance, I really like talking to a long lost friend. My friend Abbie called me yesterday, and it was so nice to hear her voice. Those of you may argue that the phone call itself was not free, but alas, the time I got to talk to her and catch up a bit was priceless.

Here is a list of some things that are free that I am quite fond of:
1.) Staring into Stefan's eyes
2.) Weird and Bizarre dreams that make me say, "WTF was THAT?"
3.) Big, sun-shiny days
4.) quietness
5.) Fresh air in the mountains (oh, how I miss the Blue Ridge Parkway)
6.) Sleeping late because I don't have to work
7.) Getting a spark of creativity
8.) Feeling your lover's warmth in the morning
9.) Seeing a frog by my front door
10.)Goosebumps when I hear a song on the radio (usually Roy Orbison)
11.)When Stefan and I don't say anything toone another, but it's not awkward. Ever. (I told him, it's only awkward if you make it awkward.)
12.)Seeing a really beautiful color in your mind's eye when you orgasm
13.)Feeling loved
14.)Knowing you'll marry your lover someday, and give birth to their children
15.)The day before your birthday...
16.)Eating watermelon over the sink and letting the juice dribble down your arms and chin
18.)The wonderful feeling of having a ladybug land on you.
19.)Realizing you've finished your self-portrait. (That was wicked awesome...)
20.)Knowing all the lyrics to a favorite song, and getting it stuck in your head.

Anyway, my grandmother just came over, so I must entertain her. I hope that this makes you think of some things that make you happy without costing anything.

Love and Sunshine,

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