

I have an addiction. It's a rather healthy one in my opinion, as it really does not hurt anyone (except perhaps my bank account, but what else is new?)

I am addicted to books. I love them. I hope that I can someday have my own personal library in my home. Do you remember the scene in "Beauty and the Beast", where Belle goes into the Beast's library? That's what I want. A big, fat library with shelves that reach the ceiling. With a fireplace, perhaps. Oh, and a big comfy chaise chair to curl up in.

The reason that I consider my obsession with books an addiction is that I love to look for books online, and write down the titles on a piece of paper, so someday I might buy them. And I have bought books in the past that I have never even opened, much less read. The value I place on books is like that of a squirrel, tenderly hiding away it's acorns. I am very selective, but sometimes judge too quickly and get a rotten one. However, I cannot bear to part with it, as I might need the contents someday. I have a book that I bought for about $25 at Elysian Fields titled, "Writing to Change the World". I have not read it, and don't really intend to. But I am attached to this book because I feel as though I may decide to change the world with what I write. (I doubt I have the true ability to, as no one really reads this blog anyway. Who would really care what a little confused white girl has to say?)

Books that I like have no common theme, except almost all of them are books of Non Fiction. I am not particularly fond of Fiction, as my schedule is so sporatic that I never know when I can come back to a story. (Plus, I've noticed a trend of "stupid girl" novels on the market, where women have "tragic" lives of shopping away their heartaches. Please, just hand me friggin' self-help, and I'll be fine.) The reason that I collect books is because books offer something that the internet can't: a hunt. You have to actually LOOK for the information. And on the way, you may find more that you thought you would. Plus, a book is something that is solid, that you can hold in your hands. Books have a calming effect on me. Having them around me is soothing, and yet somehow erotic. (Let's face it, I do have that sexy librarian look about me.) I have a very hard time letting books go, which is probably why I rang up a $66 library fine not that long ago.

Perhaps I should be a bookstore owner. I am very fond of the Main Street Bookshop, and I think people would like the type of bookshop I'd run. I just have a certain type of flair that I think people would enjoy.

Anywhoo, I just thought I should come clean. My name is Mimi and I am a bookaholic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, you've got that look about you. I think you should work at a book store like the one downtown, where you could read books in between checking out customers.

I am addicted to magazines.