
Future Projects...and other bits of string

I have no time to knit. It is really pathetic. However, I do have time to jot down projects that I wish I had time to do. (Money to pay for them is another post.)

From Knitty.com:

Tubey, Bobbilicious(for my mom) Tychus, Revolution ,Topsecret, Tempting I and II, Nautie, Hot Tomale, Belle Epoque (in Sweet Pea color), Hallowig (it's just too cool), Vicky (Red is the only acceptable color for this pattern), 1930 (In a skin tone, because I have way too many see-thru shirts that I never wear.), Hush-hush, Zaftig!, Baby Tart, Villa, Cleo (for my big boobs), Coif, and Grecian Plait.

I think that's it. A knitter's work is never done.

So, I have found that I would be allowed to bring my knitting on the plane to Belgium, which is great because I get figet-ey on planes. It not nerves, it's moreso that, "Are we there YET?" thing.

For now, it is too hot to wear a sweater, but knitting one is a different story. I have issues with impatience, though. I like instant gratifacation. I'm certainly not the only knitter who feels this. Ah, hat projects! Amen for hat projects.

I'm off to shower. One place that knitting is definately restricted.

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