

I get so upset when I find myself bored out of my mind during my relaxation time. The greatest annoyance of this boredom, is the fact that there is NOTHING on television. I can't stand that anytime I wish to just be a zombie and tune out the world, I become overly consumed with the task of finding something actually worth watching. Terrible. Is the writer's strike over yet?

My latest obsession that might be my only hope to rescue me from this torture is hula hooping. I found this whole underground community of people who express themselve by hula hooping, in a very dance-like matter. Watching people hooping is absolutely hypnotizing. I have read many health benefits too, which makes me more inclined to take up the sport. However, you cannot take any old children's hula hoop; the sport hoops must be a certain diameter, weight, and flexibility. Finding the material to make the hoop is the hardest part, and Stefan and I have looked everywhere. It is quite irritating to have a bunch of old geezers staring at you like you have worms crawling out of you ears, when you tell them you need 160 psi, 3/4" polyethylene tubing. I mean, really. Alas, I have not found any of the tubing, and so I am sitting here, bored out of my mind.

All this boredom is making me tired, so I think I ought to take a shower and wake myself up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No worries, we will go to Lowes and find what you're looking for and if we don't we'll just buy a pretty one online! I promise :)

Can't wait to see you hula-hoop. Nom