
Soulful Journey

I am needed a clear-out. I need to start anew in a fresh blank space. In a way, I am nesting, but in a very unusual way. I need to give my spirtual side room to flourish. Hopefully after I have sufficiently slept, I hope to apply some henna to my hands. I need the feeling of a beautiful ancient art on my skin. It suits the purpose best, I think. I am quite reflective today. I need to sleep soon though. Spiritual work takes a lot of energy.

The mehndi design I wish to use tomarrow is my own, but it shall include a skeleton key hole with a very ornate border. I wish my hair were longer. I feel sexy with hennaed hands. I have always wanted to belly dance, or at least have a room that is plush and lovely, with ornate wooden doors, big floor pillows decorated in magical colors and embroidery. I want a big buddah head, peacefully watching over me. I want to henna myself and drink hot tea, and burn incense. I want to have long hair and bangled arms. I want to wear long flowing skirts, and midriff bearing tops. I want to meditate and have my palm read. I was in such need for a vacation, that now I am using it to do the things I had to hold off on. However, none of the above is what I need to do. It is quite distracting and aggrivating. I have been so busy with work and money and cars and all this other stuff that I don't much care to focus on right now.

I am daydreaming of a vacation in the mountains. Waking up to the fog in the tree tops, and the birds chirping. I want to feel the earth beneith me, not concrete. I want to be humbled by the greatness of the mountain range and the vastness of a waterfall. I want to sit in a hammock chair and look at the forest before me in awe. I wish to pick fresh wild berries off the vine, and wear boots. I wish to walk around in antique stores after eating a breakfast of eggs and from-scratch pancakes. I want to go to sleep under a big, fat moon that feels like it'll fall on me if I'm not too careful. I want to look at the stars and feel the night air in my lungs. I want to see deer in the woods, and stumble upon little creeks and babbling brooks. My soul is connected to the earth. I suppose it's true...you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl. Something inside me makes me want to don prarie dresses and boots and a bonnet. I suppose its my way of simplfying. I think that I need a change of scenery, and a change of senses. Yearning for a bit of history, some old fashioned charm, and a big heaping spoonful of friendly. I wanna eat luchious peaches and let the juices run down my chin and my arms and into my lap. I want to listen to the music that speaks to my soul in a big rockingchair, and journal my heart out.

I need to renew myself. This is something I have put off for so long, it feels like I'm a prisoner in my own life. I don't want to feel this way, but I do.

Perhaps I can get time off before too long, and see the Blue Ridge Mountains in my immediate area.

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