
So Very Much to Say...

So much has happened I don't know where to start! Most recently, Stefan and I went to Disney. We had a wonderful time, despite getting sunburned and completely exhausted. The Magic Kingdom was great fun, but I will never again go in July. Not at all wise.

Anyhoo, the painting is a George Petty pinup. He's one of my favorite artists. I just thought you'd like to see somethin' sexy. The Painted Anvil website has a lot of his work that is very hard to find.

My dad may be getting a job in Savannah, which is great because he'll be doing something that allows him to get more respect for his through knowledge of carpentry, and my mom can be a southern belle like she's always wanted. I'm going to stay here with Stefan, because I think leaving him might just about kill me. I have a really good feeling about the whole thing and I'm hoping that it all works out.

If you haven't seen the new "Hairspray" movie, you might consider waiting until it comes out on DVD. It was really pretty cute, but if you are a big fan of the version with Ricky Lake as Tracy Turnblad, the new version may leave a bad taste in your mouth. And as much as I love Oprah, I must disagree with her...John Travola as Edna Turnblad was probably not a smart move. Edna is not meant to look like the guy from Grease. It's just not right. I think Travolta's voice is ingrained into the American pop culture psyche, and it's very hard to watch that movie and not think, "That's Christopher Walken dancing with John Travolta in drag." But the movie did have some good points. Zac Efron, who played Link Larkin, was pretty sexy. And really, all 13 year old girls will just swoon over him. I'm not ashamed to say that I thought he was cute enough to pinch. The dress that Amanda Bynes wore in the last scene was killer, and a lot of the costuming was really spectacular. All in all, I'd have to give a pretty good review. (But I'm still a huge fan of the cult classic.)

For those of you who've read my past posts, I think you'll remember how I was such a total mess a year ago. I am pleased to say that I noiw longer have a biological clock (I currently despise idiot parents who follow me places with their screaming children, and I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than get pregnant right now) and I am no longer obsessing about weddings, which is great because I look like a cancer patient in white. (Not that I'll wear a gown anyway, because I am in no way virginal) By the way, I thought I'd mention that when Stefan and I get engaged, we'll tell you people. So please, stop asking us when we're planning on getting hitched. It really just makes me want to choke you. Besides, we plan on getting married at the courthouse anyway, so you probably won't be invited. Sorry to be so blunt, but some of you were really driving me nuts.

How's that for being a feminist?

Weird transition, but I am starting a list of really great party themes. This is what I have so far:

1. I'm NOT pregant with a baby shower. (Everyone gets gifts for have no buns in their ovens.)
2. Lucifer Lives Here Party (A housewarming party for those livin' in sin)
3. No longer a Bachelorette party ('cause married ladies need to party too.)
4. Badass Baby Shower (For those ladies who are are carrying the next Joan Jett or Mick Jagger)
5. I'm Not Martha Party (A wholly un-domesticated celebration of the lovliness known as "store-bought")
6. Don't You Dare Get Dressed Up for My Party (A fantastic movie night where everyone wears icky old tee shirts and bleach-spotted sweat pants.)
7. Please Shut Up About Your Fucking Wedding (A party for the wedding party, whose had it up to here with bridezilla)

That's all I've got so far

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