
My Piddly Little Life

I apologize for my lack of tenacity to writing lately. It has been quite bizarre in the wonderful world of Mimi. I have had to schlep myself from one doctors' appointment to the next, and there doesn't yet seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. On Thursday, I will be going to the dentist, and I can already tell you what he's going to say. He'll say that I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out, and that it'll only cost me my first born child and any future IRA funds. Then I must have an ultrasound on my kidneys in July, followed by an appointment with the urologist, Dr. Tingle. I kid you not, that is really his name. Somewhere in between I have to find a psychologist, because my physician put me on Prozac and says I'm too depressed for someone my age.

Besides all of that, Stefan and I are getting more serious, and we are trying to figure out when we could concievebly move in together. Meanwhile, I'm reading books on the corrupt evils of the wedding industry and trying to reverse the brainwashing. I have also realized that I am a "wedding porn" addict, and that reruns of "Who's Wedding is it Anyway" are killing me. Stefan seems content so long as I don't push the issue too much.

I am going to go broke. I swear. I need to pay my copays at the doctors', dentist, buy new glasses, get my prescriptions, and pay my car isurance. Will I ever be able to get out of Target?

I will let you in on more later. For now, I must go wake up my mother, for whom, by the way, I worked very hard for to give her a nice mother's day.

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