
I am on fire.

"As long as I'm burning,
I'll keep on yearning
to save the world;
not sure how,
but I'm learning"
-kimya dawson

As most of you know, I used to go to the Child Protection Center (CPC) for therapy, and now I volunteer there since I have graduated the program. (If you didn't know, well now you do.)Well, you may also be aware of fact that I delivered a speech for CPC a long while back (I think in April) to a bunch of people in the community telling my story. Well four really great oppurtunities became available to me because of it. I will list them, cause that's easist to understand:

1.)Doug, a Sexual Abuse Treatment Program director, told me that he was asked to pass on a message from the State Attorney's Office. Every year in April (Child abuse prevention month), the State Attorney holds a candlelight vigil for Child Abuse victims. When they had a meeting about the vigil, the topic of who was going to speak was brought up. My name apparently came up in conversation, and the State Attorney's Office chose me to be the speaker for this year's event. Someone had apparently seen me speak at the Victor Veith thingie, and so now I am the prospective poster child for Abuse advocacy. What's great is that I could reach a lot of people with this.

2.)The second bit of info I got was that the manager at the local Barnes' and Noble is going to use my speech from the Victor Veith thingie for a fundraiser that will go towards the the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program. So...neat-o!

3.)The third bit of happy news I received was that one of the therapists for CPC, whom also teaches a Human Development and Wellness course at Webster college, asked if I could speak in one of her classes. I would need to call her and find out more, but I think I would be sort-of telling my story and then answer some questions. So that is really cool. Even more people to share my story with.

4.)And the last thing, which I purposefully saved for last. The therapist one of the groups at CPC has lost her cofacillitator (a person who is not a therapist, but has personal experience in sexual abuse). So, she thought that I would be a very good candidate to take the position. I am not 100% sure if it a paying position, but I think it is. Regardless, I am going to carefully consider it. The girls of the group have a very strong intrest in art, and are always doing projects. They all think I would be good for a cofacillitor position. I am not going to make a definate decision until after next week, but I am leaning toward yes. I would have a lot of support there, and I would not be in charge of the group. I would be there to say, "Hey, I know EXACTLY how you feel." So. Whew. It's a lot to take in, but I think I'm up to the challenge. I have wanted to be a cofacillitator for a long,long time.

I am still sort-of in shock. I don't know what to do with myself, really. I think I should just see how I feel.But for the most part, I am going to do everything. Perhaps this is why God made me change my mind on going to school next semster, so that I could do more for the cause. I would like for anyone who read this post to please comment on what you think about these oppurtunities, because I would like to know what you would do, say, feel, etc.

Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello MIMI, First No I didn't know and am glad that you were able to receive help. I would go for it . Sounds like a great thing to do. I have always wanted to be able to help young people who find themselves in some kind of trouble. As you know (I think) I was pregant before graduating from high school. Back then if they had known I would be in Adult Education. I kept my son againist the advice of EVERYONE and it was not always easy but now I have a fine grandson!