
Pretty In Pink

Well, I have finally succeeded in finding myself a wig that I love. It looks like this:
The color is called "Bubblegum Pink" and is 3 different shades of pink in really nice streaks. I found it on this website, WowWigs.com , and it's a pretty decent price; $38.95 .

Anyway, I am glad that I have found a wig that I really, really like. All I need to do is buy it. The only hang-up I have is that I feel selfish. Do I deserve it? Yes. Am I buying it with my own hard earned cash? Yes. Is it harming anyone else if I do? No. So what's the hold up? Well, here's the deal...
When I had to buy books a few weeks ago, I was stunned at the prices. My books for this semester cost me at least $200. Plus, I have a car insurance payment due the 28th of htis month; a whopping $181. So I'm pretty weary of spending money on frivolous things that I don't need. I really need a computer of my own, but I haven't gotten one yet because of money. I'm trying to be more responsible with my finances, so buying a pink wig for $40, really isn't going to do much for me to save money. I would love a nice laptop for Christmas, but this is reality and I'll have to save up for it myself. So the pink wig will have to wait. But it is pretty though, isn't it?
Other than that, I have no news. I've been awfully boring lately. I apologise.

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